Open Bible Fellowship Church

P.O. BOX 1838 McKinney, TX 75070

Call us: 469.247.9070

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Latest Sermons

“The Waiting Test” – 01/12/25

“The Waiting Test” – 01/12/25

Sermon Text: Romans 8: 19-27

Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set
forth below to: OBFC

Thank You for It All
by Marvin Sapp

*We Do Not Own Rights To Any Music*

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.

“Embracing the Worship Test” 01/05/25

“Embracing the Worship Test” 01/05/25

Sermon Text:
Daniel 3: 13-18

Richard Smallwood

Oh, Give Thanks
by Judith McAlister

Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set forth below to: OBFC
*We Do Not Own Rights To Any Music*

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.

“Thinking the Right Thoughts, Speaking the Right Words” – 12/08/24

“Thinking the Right Thoughts, Speaking the Right Words” – 12/08/24

Sermon Text:
Mark 5: 25-34
Mark 10: 46:52

Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set forth below to: OBFC

In His Presence
William McDowell

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.

“Your Circumstance May Be Bad, But God Is Still Good”

“Your Circumstance May Be Bad, But God Is Still Good”

Sermon Text:
Acts 16: 22-28

“Thank You for it All”
Marvin Sapp

Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set forth below to: OBFC

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.

“God’s Grace Giving is the Cause of Our Thanksgiving”

“God’s Grace Giving is the Cause of Our Thanksgiving”

Sermon Text:
2 Corinthians 4: 12-15

“Thank You for it All”
Marvin Sapp

Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set forth below to: OBFC

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.

“Do Not Worry About Your Life”

“Do Not Worry About Your Life”

Sermon Text:
Matthew 6: 25-34

O, Give Thanks
Daywind, Inc., (the “Licensor”) hereby grants a Social Media and Livestream Broadcast License under the terms set forth below to: OBFC

Go to to watch past sermons or to be connected to online bible study with us.