Open Bible Fellowship Church

P.O. BOX 1838 McKinney, TX 75070

Call us: 469.247.9070

THE TRUTH ABOUT BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS | Healthy Habits of The Heart with Pastor Don Bright

Jul 30, 2022 | Sermons

We are in a Sermon Series Called “Healthy Habits of The Heart”–not in a physical sense of the heart, but in a spiritual one! We have all at one point or another been in a season of our lives where we feel our relationships are irreconcilable. If this resonates with you, we want you to know that God is in the business of mending broken relationships. Only if BOTH hearts are willing to allow God in to truly make a heart change, and ready to do the steps in order to achieve healing, the Lord can move in a mighty way in your relationships.
Join us Virtually on Sundays | 11AM CST & Watch full sermons! ✝️